System Motorsports is the industry-leading direct source for quality aftermarket automotive performance parts and technical support. We specialize in large-volume wholesale + retail programs for consumers and businesses alike, stocking product in-house + servicing clients all across the US + International territories. For all inquiries, please visit our main website and inquire with us directly via phone, email, or live-chat.

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Impromptu Trip to Santa Cruz

Impromptu Trip to Santa Cruz

Our FK8 civic Type R Sitting on some Advan GT (18x9.5) in Racing White

Our FK8 civic Type R Sitting on some Advan GT (18x9.5) in Racing White

Our FK8 civic Type R Sitting on some Advan GT (18x9.5) in Racing White

Our FK8 civic Type R Sitting on some Advan GT (18x9.5) in Racing White


The Advan GT Premium is a batch order exclusive to System Motorsports in the following colors for the FK8 platform: White / Dark Bronze Metallic

To purchase, click below:



Alec's FRS/BRZ sitting on Work Meister S1 3P

Alec's FRS/BRZ sitting on Work Meister S1 3P

Ar's STI on Bronze TE37V Mark II x FK8 Type R on White TE37 SLs

Ar's STI on Bronze TE37V Mark II x FK8 Type R on White TE37 SLs